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The following CCSS (Common Core State Standards) will be covered in Unit 7:


OA.4 - I understand subtraction is the opposite of addition

OA.6 - I can add/subtract fluently within 10

OA.8 - I can find missing addends in addition/subtraction

MD.3 - I can write/tell time to the hour (we will do half hour also)

G.1 - I can tell defining/non-defining attributes of shapes



I have reached out to the district for help with logging in to IXL at home.  I'm still unsure why it's not working correctly and at this time, there's nothing else I am able to do.  I apologize.  If something is done in the future, I'll continue to post the IXL lessons that go with each our remaining math units.  For now, have fun using Prodigy at home!


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